What is ‘Admin Area’? The ‘Admin Area’ is where all security permissions, account structure and team controls are set.Only an account administrator and those...
Who are account administrators? Account administrators are users with permission to structure and control the account and its users.
What is the uploads panel? The uploads panel is a space to access and manage all team uploads, manage team storage folders, and upload and...
What is the usage panel? The usage panel shows how much storage remains on the account and provides general organisation video creation and sharing analytics.
How do I set and edit team upload folder permissions? Set permission and access levels for each team upload folder from the upload section in the ‘Admin Area’. In order...
How do I create/delete users? In the ‘Admin Area’, select users and click create user, fill in the details and save. That user will receive...
What are groups? Groups are a collection of users. If you have admin permission you can create groups of your users from the...
How does the reports dashboard work? Explore and monitor user activity and video analytics from the analytics section of the ‘Admin Area’. Binumi provides deep data...