Hover over a clip in the timeline and click the ‘edit shot’ button. Click ‘modify’ and select one of the following tools:
Crop: To Crop a video or image to wide, square or vertical format.
Zoom: To select an area of your video you would like to zoom into.
Reverse Video: To play your video backwards.
Speed: To control the speed of your video.
Remove Video Background: To select a colour you would like to remove from your video. Great for use with a green screen.
Audio Gain: To adjust the input level of the audio signal.
Limiter: To control the audio spikes in your video.
Hi Pass: To filter out low frequency sounds from your video (this is great for removing background noise).
Trim: To adjust the start and end point of your video (use the blue bar under the video to do this).
Once done, click ‘apply changes’ and a new updated version of your video will appear in the ‘All your uploads’ area.